Snoring effects nearly half of all adults with mostly men being the ones who suffer more due to being overweight. But snoring can be a sign of something more serious such as Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)
Symptoms of OSA can include the following:
- Snoring
- Pauses in breath during sleep
- Waking up breathless or gasping/choking
- Dry mouth
- Sore throat
- Moody and irritable
- Headaches
- Sleepiness & fatigue during the day
- Frequent urination
- Heart issues (blood pressure, stroke, cardiac issues)
Causes of OSA include the following:
- Partial or full obstruction of airflow in the back of the nose and mouth. This area is a collapsible part of the airway where the airway in the upper throat strikes the tongue/soft palate and uvula which causes vibration during breathing.
Overweight or excessive throat tissue causing the airways to narrow.
- Tonsils and adenoids
- Poor muscle tone causing the tongue and throat to fall back into the airway. Alcohol and drugs can make this worse.
- Obstructed nasal passages, damage or deformities to the nasal septum

Treatment options:
- Seeing a ENT specialist (Ear, Nose and Throat)
- Using a small device such as a nasal dilator Snore No More (sold in our clinic)
- Custom fit oral appliances to reposition the jaw
- Airway device CPAP (Continuous positive airway pressure)
- Healthy diet and exercise to reduce weight
Need a friendly, honest and experienced snoring and sleep apnoea appliance in carina? Contact dentist in carina to book an appointment to avail an offer.
If you would like to book in to have a discussion with our dentist, please contact us to schedule an appointment on (07) 33982255 or fill out your details to contact us.